Request a Free Target
Yep that is right get a Free zombie or head shot target target, this is a promo from the Glockbrothers. Get free PDF printable targets that you can do what you like with. We will send them to your email. If you were looking for targets that do not print out you can buy Targets at Lucky Gunner.

Why do most consider Glock as Best?

This is a picture of a Glock 22 C, Glock used this picture to promote the C models of Glocks. The ad had the text on it “C what you have been missing” I Thought it was a cool Glock ad, and it has stuck with me. The "C" stands for compensated. Glock is good which makes some people ask: Why is Glock consider Best?
Bullet Impact Video

to video bullet impact I hope you enjoy the video and as well the music. Big Lou enjoyed the music. (that is me)
Welcome to Open Source Gun. This site is new!
On going Contrustion. Hey we are always working on this website. Enjoy the random stuff on this site. This site is going to be redesigned, This is Beta only, pulling a google and having stuff in Beta for a long time. This website is mobile and tablet friendly, it has responsive design. If you resize the web browser window you will see.