Yes pleas join us. Just give us a little bit of your time. It could be as simple as data collection and validation. Open Source anything needs a strong community. We need passionate Moderators, videographer, Audio engineers, YouTubers, Podcasters, producers, skilled people who want to be a part of this. Just join the community! Lets all be part of this and learn something. Subscribe to the Blog. email us at opensourcegun @ and let us know what you can do.
Tag Archives: passion
Goal 1: Grow the Open Source Gun Community
This is where we need your help. I am only a part of this. I would glady step aside and let the better bloggers blog. The better Podcasters put out Podcast. Let the real Youtubers Youtube. Let the real web site designers do there thing. Let the Programmers code. Let the Graphic Designers design. But I will carry the torch for now, I will do my best to fulfill these jobs. We want you. we want you to be a part of this. The Community needs some passionate like Man of Sound Studios (M.O.S.S.)is very passionate about Audio. I have heard Arlen Card say about Man of Sound Studios “some one like that cant be stopped and will be working in the industry”
We need passionate Moderators, videographer, Audio engineers, YouTubers, Podcasters, producers, skilled people who want to be a part of this. Just join the community! Lets all be part of this and learn something.