Yea, we are closer than you think with a 3D printed gun. The design is in the works for a 3D printer to print a gun. And even making a Printer that can print other printers! Yes amazing I know. The Torrent file will be put out and anyone will be able to print the gun. This is amazing. The Goal I had here for an Open Source design was to be more like how the AR-15 is today. Any one and everyone is making parts. A community would come together to be like “we need this kind of steal here and plastic is just fine hear. No need for this to be aluminum.” The Design would be our own and not another AR-15 copy that has a kitchen skin on it. That is the way I would like to see it. Testing this and that. The cost of entry may be too high. We would need a lot of engineers. I will blog about it for now.

Here are the links I read. copy and paste them into your browser