Here is a list of Nutnfancy Terms and Definitions please comment below if there is a error or you would like to add another. Links have even more info. I would like to get one video or more for each term where used.
You should watch this video Tactically Squared Away by Nutnfancy. Great video should be reviewed to see where you are at.
These are the Terms with Definitions
POU /: Philosophy of Use. How is this weapon going to be use. What purpose does it have. The different kinds uses that that an object will have. It is like asking “what are you using this for? My POU is hunting and I want the gun to be lightweight.”
EDC/: Every Day Carry. Items a person will carry every day. Keys, Cellphone. Check out the thousands of videos on YouTube that people have posted that they use every day. Some maybe liars because they say the carry 100 pounds worth of stuff. I call BS.
BOB/: Bug Out Bag. Also know as. Go Bag, Get home bag, Urban Survival Kit. These are all different and have different philosophy of use. Many of them have the same items. This bag should sustain you for at least 72 hours and you can carry. No 10,000 rounds of 9mm.
ROL/: Rule of Law. The Laws of the land are being followed and law Enforcement is available.
UI/: User Interface. How does the logic of the buttons switches work? Are they Ergonomic with the human hand? does it work for me or you? are they too complex?
WROL/: Without the Rule of Law. Also know as SHTF. The shit has hit the fan. Laws of the land are not being followed. Law Enforcement is no where to be found.
SAWC/: Size and Weight Constraints. You have a limited supply of room. You won’t be able to pack everything you want.
PCC/: Pistol Caliber Carbine. Such as a Kel-tec Sub 2000, Hi-point995, MP5.
GTW /: Go to War Gun. A Gun that is so good you would take it to war and could depend on it working for you.
LEO/: Law Enforcement Officer/: A policemen, a federal officer of the law. A cop.
GRV /: Gun Review Video. a Nutnfancy Gun Review video standard with talking points.
LBE /:Load Bearing Equipment a vest or clothing to carry gear such as magazines.
SOGDs/: Sedentary Online Gun Debaters They don’t get out to shoot and they fight with people on the internet about guns they don’t like. Video /D6Qw-oAQBac?t=50s
DAM /: Dead Air Management managing dead air to stay warm. in cold or wet conditions. Video Source
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Phrase or Sayings
Civilian SheepDog/: A legally armed civilian who has tools and training to safe the life of innocent people and will help those in trouble out.
Brand Myopic/Fan Boy/: Follows a brand and only buys from that brand this is different from brand/fan loyalty. Fan Boys are narrow minded and only see their way as the only way.
Your mileage may vary/: Not everyone Drives the same. So mileage will vary on the person. Some people will drive harder on it or treat it really nice and the item may last longer or shorter.
Second kind of cool/: It is cool to the you it something that you just like. You want this item for no other reason then you like it. You want to buy the gun base on the history gun has.
TPA/: Third Party Advertisement/: Someone one not connect manufacturer basically making a video at shot show letting them give you an ad providing no real value. Spouting the party line, “it is a good guy and you should buy it cause it is um good.. yea” .
TCE/: Time Calories and Energy/: It all takes time calories and energy to get this or that done. Such as carrying a large hatching and chopping down trees requires more TCE then using a saw or grabbing what is a around to burn to survive.
IWB /IWBC/: Inside Waistband/Inside Waistband Carry/: IWB holsters are one the most popular for holsters for concealed carry. IWB is a holster industry standard term. IWBC is a term Nutnfancy uses in this video about why he hates IWB’s holsters
Review What was TNP? ….. The Nutnfancy Project. That is all the videos and reviews! Alright back to watching one of Nutnfancy Great POU videos!
If I am Missing Any Terms? Comment below. Google Does search and index comments on the page this makes it better for everyone. Thanks.
HOF = Hall of Fame – Best of the best. Top favorite!
Hey S,
Can you refrence a video where Nutnfancy used the Terms HOF = Hall of Fame. Put a time stamp in the video link.
Honestly, I should do that for all the terms. Thoughts?
Thank you for commenting.
Great info. Would be perfect addition to
Looks like you have a lot more content on TNP info than I do. Do you have videos time stamps listed as a source? If not we should work on that together. Thanks.
Sounds great. You can sign up on the site, and start editing.
GRV = Gun Review Video
SAWC = Size and Weight Constraints
Thank you! for linking these up.
He uses CQB in the “Dude, You Got Too Much Crap On Your AR-15” video.
Close Quarters Battle
Thank you Donald
CPG = Check Point Gun. Referring to a firearm you have in your hands all day but won’t be firing a multitude of ammo every day.
Thank you so much for sharing this one James, can you link up a video?
LBE = Load Bearing Equipment
Reference to packs, slings, and other gear designed to carry equipment more efficiently.
Thanks for adding this. Do you have a video link and time stamp of when his says it?
Thanks. I wondered what the hell SAWC was from one of his videos.
Glad we helped you out Tom!
Do you have the definition?
Semi-Automatic Precision Rifle?
As discussed in SAPR vs Bolt-action rifle:
Too late?